Why Go to a Local Show this Summer?

Date: July 8, 2015

by Rebecca

As July takes off, the most beautiful season of summer is in full swing. The time of outdoor venues, fast food vendors, and days of main stages and side stages are upon us. And while everyone loves a good Mayhem Fest or Warped Tour, it's important to remember the local festivals that are taking place right around the corner.

While there is a certain charm to going to large-scale festivals, local shows come with many hidden gems that make them the perfect summer experience. First and foremost, is the price. Admission to a local festival costs about as much as you would pay for food at a larger show. And local vendors are notoriously cheaper, providing CD's, shirts, and various types of merch all for under $20. While it may take months to save up to go see your favorite bands at a large-scale venue, going to a local show won't break the bank. 

Another huge plus to going to a local show lies in the bands themselves. What local bands lack in pyrotechnics and big screens, they make up for in performance and fan interaction. Unlike larger shows where the closest you can get to an artist is maybe a hand touch (if you make it to the front barrier), at local shows the bands are on a more even level with the audience. Interacting with the audience becomes a huge part of the show. For example, I've witnessed lead singers hand off the microphone to those in front to sing the next verse or finish off with a scream. I've seen artists pose to be apart of selfies, mid performance. At one particular show, I watched a lead singer mount a fan's shoulders and finish out the set while being paraded around the venue. With nothing standing between the bands and the audience, anything can happen at a local show. 

Local shows are happening almost every night at venues scattered throughout the country. As a resident of Northern New Jersey, I can count roughly 10 venues that cater to local music only a half hour from me. If I were to expand my search by an hour, the number of venues would no doubt triple. Local shows come with spontaneity, entertainment, and close interaction with the audience. Band members don't hold back from jumping into the pit, instruments in tow, or improvising an encore on the spot. At local shows, the bands stay for the entire night, hanging out at their merch tables, watching the show, and getting to know their fans. By choosing a local show as your night out, you help support the bands who are playing for free, who are playing for the pure joy of it, who are only there to share great music and have a great time.

Choose a local show this summer and experience a whole new side to live music!

Please note that the opinions expressed in this article are the sole opinions of the writers. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of WSOU, Seton Hall University, nor any of its affiliates.

Posted in: Metal, Street Patrol

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