Haste the Day Interview

Date: June 9, 2015

Nick caught up with Stephen from Haste the Day and asked him a few questions about touring, reunions, and more!

Below the excerpts is a full audio version.

How do you feel everything is going right now?

I am excited to play these shows, we've been trying to figure out a set list which our main focus right now because we have 6 albums to play from, so it definitely makes it hard to choose, but I'm just grateful that the record is finished, and I can start focusing on these shows, and we can start getting back to our normal lives. 

Is this going to be the last record you guys put out?

I've learned not to say never, and with that said I have no idea, because I was sure attack of the wolf king was going to be our last record, and it turns out I was wrong. And I couldn't be more happy about it.

On his Ideas on Crowd Funding,

I mean it depends on the band, it takes a dedicated group of people to succefully crowd fund something. I do know a lot of young artist who get themselves in a trouble with these things because they don't beudget right, but I think it's really cool, when I first started I hated it because I was like "these people are begging for money" and the thing is that it's really not like that at all. You're creating the demand for it and getting the capital up front. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

How did you guys pick the locations for your tour?

I think they were all cities that we remembered, and they were all spread out from across the country, and they're easier for everyone to go out and see one.


As always, keep checking for more exclusive interviews!

Posted in: Interviews, Metal, Out of Babylon, WSOU Exclusive

Seton Hall

Seton Hall


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